©2009 SolderMask, Inc. 17905 Metzler Lane Huntington Beach, CA USA 92647  Telephone: (714) 842-1987 Fax: (714) 847-0244

For more information...

♦  Component Verification Tool
♦  Stencils and Custom LAS Stencils
♦  Dry Film Solder Mask
♦  Liquid Photoimageable Solder Masks
♦  Stripping Solder Masks

Stripping Solder Masks

We have been successful where others have failed because our stripper chemistry, formulated in-house, does not attack the PCB substrate to the extent that commercially available strippers do, and because of the care and dedication to detail that our employees apply to this difficult endeavor.

To find out if your PCB's can be salvaged, please email or call us 714-842-1987.